martes, 31 de julio de 2018

Hello everyone, today in my practice I do exercise about vocabulary and listening’s mainly. In that exercises I got good results (compared with that I Expected). Anyway, I have some problems mainly in the listening exercises, because is very difficult to me understand the English even more, if the people talks faster. 

martes, 24 de julio de 2018

Hello everyone again, I hope you are very well!
Today, I’m going to talk to you about an ambition that I have, or rather, about a thing that I wish to do.
I have always loved the art in specially, the music, thing that I dedicated a lot of time. But another art that I love is the painting. I think that the vision is an overvalued sense, because in our lives all turnaround of that, underestimating the amazing of the other sense. Anyway, the things that the vision can feel are totally beautiful and magical, things like the sunset lights, the mountains, the night and even, the streets or the buildings of the city. The skill to take this natural things, combine it each other’s or imagine new things and paint it in a paper, a canvas or in another surface is something great and exciting. For things as these I want to learn this art someday in the future.
The truth is that I tried to paint some things, but all the times I have failed with terrible paintings hahaha, anyway, the people say that no exists bad art, but seriously, my paintings are really ugly HAHA.
Well, I know that we can’t begin with the best, all is a process that we must do with effort and enthusiasm. That’s all for today, good bye!

martes, 17 de julio de 2018

Hello my friends, today, the teacher give us a free topic and I chose talk about my favorite animal, because I don’t know anything about the horoscope and are a fun subject.
I think that my favorite animal is the wolf and all her biological family like dogs, foxes etc. Why? I am not sure, but I think that I like these animals because they live in the background of nature, inside the forests and mountains, places that I like so much. This animal live mainly in the northern hemisphere.
I think that the howling of the wolves is something magic and beautiful, is like a song dedicated to the moon, the stars, the sky and the nature. In this line, I like dogs so much because they are fantastic and faithful creatures, in others words, great partners.
Another animal that I like very much are the humans, because they are my specie obviously, and I be raised for they.
Well, with regard to my inner animal I think that I don’t have one, because I am a human and for that another animal haha, anyway, if I could have other specie inside me I could like that be a wolf.

jueves, 12 de julio de 2018

Hello everyone, I will talk about some jobs that I would like to develop in the future.
Naturally, I would like to work on that I am studying, that is, as a social anthropologist or in some area of ​​archeology, even though there are problems with the ​​labor field haha. I have always liked to help other people and I would love to find a job where I can do it, that is why I would like to use my university career in service of others, developing, for example, field work to defend communities avoid the injustices of our times. Besides this, I would love to work on reconstructing the forgotten history of our peoples, whether they are indigenous or simply the oppressed, but of course, it is difficult to find work developing this haha.
Another job I would love to practice is carpentry. I like to design furniture with contemporary forms as well as antique furniture, the details of these are great. In my free time, I would make infinities of houses for stray dogs that suffer from the cold in the street. Related to this, I would like to carve, make figures and various crafts, which clearly, would be much more complex. Anyway, for now, I'm content to repair the furniture that has been broken in my house haha.

Art was always present in my life and in my house. Since I was a child, I saw my family sing and play music until dawn, where my grandmother was the coolest playing the piano, also followed in the footsteps of my dad, who encouraged me to want to learn more. At the age of 13 I had my first guitar, a simple but beautiful guitar, not with the best sound, but it is still my most faithful companion. At the beginning, like any beginner, my fingers did not flow so well on the guitar, what did flow beautifully was my motivation to learn, thanks to this, I gradually developed my ear and also my fingers. to music, it takes me to hidden places,  that I only find in each string and in each song that I play. Playing music frees me of everything  that I can feel at that moment, it takemy mind to the clouds. I am very grateful to the people who encouraged me to start with music (including the artists I enjoyed).
Another art that I like is the cinema, it drives me crazy every staging that I can find in a good movie, I hope that at some point in my life I have the opportunity to take wonderful shots like the ones I've had the pleasure of seeing. Even so, I think that I do not change for anything the wonderful feeling of playing my guitars as if it were the quiet current of a river that carries with it the most beautiful chords heard by the humanity.

Art was always present in my life and in my house. Since I was a child, I saw my family sing and play music until dawn, where my grandmother was the coolest playing the piano, also followed in the footsteps of my dad, who encouraged me to want to learn more. At the age of 13 I had my first guitar, a simple but beautiful guitar, not with the best sound, but it is still my most faithful companion. At the beginning, like any beginner, my fingers did not flow so well on the guitar, what did flow beautifully was my motivation to learn, thanks to this, I gradually developed my ear and also my fingers. The music, it takes me to hidden places, that I only find in each string and in each song that I play. Playing music frees me from everything that I can feel in a moment, I  taking my mind to the clouds. I am very grateful to the people who encouraged me to start with music (including the artists I enjoyed).
Another art that I like is the cinema, it drives me crazy every staging that I can find in a good movie, I hope that at some point in my life I have the opportunity to take wonderful shots like the ones I've had the pleasure of seeing. Even so, I think that I dont change for anything the wonderful feeling of play my guitar as if it were the quiet current of a river that carries with it the most beautiful chords heard by
Hello friends again! This time I will talk about food, something that every person loves.
Some time ago, I decided to take a vegetarian diet because of animal suffering due to the industry. Currently, I am seriously thinking about becoming vegan, but for the moment it would be complicated mainly because my parents still support me.
A dish that I have always loved are vegetables, fortunately, my parents also enjoy them as a child as too many. Precisely, my favorite food dish includes delicious beans, and his name is feijoada, or as I prefer to call it vegetarian feijoada. The feijoada is a typical Brazilian dish that my mother (who is Brazilian) cooked often. This dish consists basically of rice with black beans, which are cooked separately and joined when serving. Normally, this dish takes a lot of meat, from cow tongues to pig's ears, because its birth corresponds to the period of slavery, where African slaves and Afro-descendants cooked with all the leftovers left by others. Currently, this dish is very famous and even the wealthiest restaurants prepare it, making it "gourmet", even though it was born out of the greatest need. With respect to how I adapt it to my diet, I basically eliminate the meat from the dish, but adding delicious vegetables such as mushrooms or eggplants, because the simple combination of the beans with rice is fantastic!
Hello everyone, I wanted to tell you about my hobby. Last year I decided to save and buy a bicycle, I wanted to remember the old days when I went out with my sisters and cousins ​​to walk around the neighborhood with our bicycles, where each afternoon we would return tired and take the rich "once" they had prepared for us our familys. Over the years, my bike stopped serving and therefore I said goodbye to those adventures I most wanted ... Finally! Nine years later I had my much longed for bicycle. I had lost my habit, and I did not dare to go out to the great avenues to take a walk with her, but I did not have a helmet on top! Now I look like that child again, eager for adventures. Fortunately, I live under the San Cristobal hill which I have traveled several times with my little sister, leaving both tired. Also, when I arrived from the university I went to the streets of the neighborhood where I met all my neighbors, ex-companions and where they persecuted me without stopping the adorable dogs, I even laughed only haha. I feel that my problems are flying together with the wind that hits me in the face, and they leave to not return until the other day when I am in Hahaha University. But the most beautiful and comforting, is to leave my house where my pets and family wait for the "once", just like when I was a child.

Hello everyone again! Today I want to tell you about some things that I would love to learn, and others that I tried and for some reason I stopped.Music is something that I have always liked a lot and to which I have dedicated a lot of time, learning to play some instruments. An instrument that I have always liked a lot and that costs me a lot is the piano. I love the sound it produces and the movements it implies, along with all the musical possibilities that can be developed, although, I began to learn with great enthusiasm I have not advanced too much, why? It is not that I have felt frustrated, I just think that I have left it aside for pure laziness, since I think it is an instrument that requires much more dedication than others and a lot of patience. In spite of everything, I plan to learn later and I still try to play some melodies.Another thing I would love to learn later is to paint, either with oil, acrylics, ink does not matter, I would only love to capture in images the things that I see and feel, something that has always struck me especially for my father , who has great talent with everything related to drawings, paintings or illustrations.I hope someday learn to do these things, I have not lost hope, as people say, it's never too late.

The use of cell-phones in the classroom it is an increasingly frequent practice.  While for some people, this can be very beneficial, for ...