martes, 17 de julio de 2018

Hello my friends, today, the teacher give us a free topic and I chose talk about my favorite animal, because I don’t know anything about the horoscope and are a fun subject.
I think that my favorite animal is the wolf and all her biological family like dogs, foxes etc. Why? I am not sure, but I think that I like these animals because they live in the background of nature, inside the forests and mountains, places that I like so much. This animal live mainly in the northern hemisphere.
I think that the howling of the wolves is something magic and beautiful, is like a song dedicated to the moon, the stars, the sky and the nature. In this line, I like dogs so much because they are fantastic and faithful creatures, in others words, great partners.
Another animal that I like very much are the humans, because they are my specie obviously, and I be raised for they.
Well, with regard to my inner animal I think that I don’t have one, because I am a human and for that another animal haha, anyway, if I could have other specie inside me I could like that be a wolf.

2 comentarios:

  1. Hi! I think the same as you about the inner animal jajaj Also, the wolves are really interesting.

  2. The Fox is my inner animal , i think. i love your post the today, you write very well


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