jueves, 12 de julio de 2018

Hello everyone, I will talk about some jobs that I would like to develop in the future.
Naturally, I would like to work on that I am studying, that is, as a social anthropologist or in some area of ​​archeology, even though there are problems with the ​​labor field haha. I have always liked to help other people and I would love to find a job where I can do it, that is why I would like to use my university career in service of others, developing, for example, field work to defend communities avoid the injustices of our times. Besides this, I would love to work on reconstructing the forgotten history of our peoples, whether they are indigenous or simply the oppressed, but of course, it is difficult to find work developing this haha.
Another job I would love to practice is carpentry. I like to design furniture with contemporary forms as well as antique furniture, the details of these are great. In my free time, I would make infinities of houses for stray dogs that suffer from the cold in the street. Related to this, I would like to carve, make figures and various crafts, which clearly, would be much more complex. Anyway, for now, I'm content to repair the furniture that has been broken in my house haha.

1 comentario:

  1. I hope you manage to do both the jobs you want to. They both sound nice


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