jueves, 16 de noviembre de 2017

Hello everyone, today I’m going to talk you about my favourite subject of this semester.
This semester, has been very lazy, but now, in the end, we have a lot of tests. Even so, my favourite subject is social history of Chile. In this subject we study this historiography school, which was born in the dictatorship. In this period, the Marxist historians were exiled, and since the exile they created it. In classes, we see the Chilean history from this perspective, using her principles and her criteria. The most important aspect of this school is to give power and importance to the historical agents, in this way, the social history is a tool for the people.

What I like most of this subject is her methodologies, because we use methodologies originating of the popular education. For example, in classes we make a role-play, in which we represent a historical problematic from the perspective of her authors, understanding their positions and in this way, deepening in the subject. Another activity that we did was the creation of a social map, where, through a geographical map, we talk about a topic.

5 comentarios:

  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  2. I'm totally disagree with you! I don't like the methodology which the teacher use this semester, I'm greatly disappointed of this subject.

  3. The subject is great, I like understand our new social history outside the official history that teaches in the high school.
    It is interesting to understand our social reality from invizible actors, those whose memory has been restricted but the new social history rescues and gives the importance they deserve. bye!!!!

  4. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  5. I was wrong in the previous post hahahahaha
    Many and many liked Chile's Social History: or me too the truth, but not as much as Archeology:(


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