jueves, 19 de octubre de 2017

Hello everyone!!
This makes me very difficult because I do not usually watch movies. Not that I do not like them but rather, I'm lazy. Even so, I think my favorite movie is “Into the Wild”. I knew this movie for the music, because I love the band Pearl Jam and her vocalist (Eddie Vedder) wrote a part of the soundtrack. The movie has a beautiful photography, thing what with the music, and the plot, makes a nice movie.
In general, I don’t have a favorite kind of movies, because I watch movies rarely, and mainly, it's because my friends recommend me (rather, they force me).

The most recent movie what I saw is “Canino”, in fact, I had to watch it for a work of anthropology. This movie is interesting, but is very stranger and sometimes, disturbing. I recommend it anyway, but only if you have a lot of time.

6 comentarios:

  1. I read a little of the "canino" movie and it's very creazy and the same time interesting!

  2. when I see ''Into the wild'' I feel like traveling the world without worries :(

  3. I didn't see that movie, however it looks so alternative like you Ricardo haha!

  4. Into the wild it's a beautiful movie, I saw it in the school with my mates and we really enjoy it

  5. I haven't seen "Into the wild", but I have always wanted since a friend told me about the plot of the movie, it sounds very interesting and I have the idea of movies based on books are better, so it's other reason to watch it, but I always forget to do it when I have time (ha ha ha)

  6. I really didn't see 'Canino' because I chose a different film for Anthropology, but I read his argument and found it really interesting!


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