jueves, 19 de octubre de 2017

My favourite piece of technology

I do not know much about technology and I do not have a great variety of objects, even so, I have selected my favorite object: the guitar amplifier. I bought the amplifier with my guitar (on offer), for a Christmas in 2012. My parents helped me  to buy it, even so, we did not have much money so we bought an electric guitar and a low-price amplifier. Although my amplifier does not sound good, I enjoy it very much next to my guitar, which also does not sound good, in this way, I use my amplifier a lot, more than once a week. To use it, I put electricity and I connect it to the guitar. The amplifier allows me to regulate the tones, distortions and volume. I really like my amp because despite being cheap, it is sturdy and allows me to play the guitar. Without my amp, I could not play the electric guitar and that would be very sad for me.

4 comentarios:

  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  2. I love listen to music and play transverse flute, so I know how you feel when you can't play your instrument as you want.

  3. ahahahh, great!! In my city, my next-door neighbour use a electric guitar and his amplifier but he take the guitar so bad, I hate him because I really like the sound of electric guitar but he kill the music. I hope that your neighbours don't hate you ahaha

  4. The value of your guitar amplifier is not its value in money. The value is in the possibility of doing what you like :).


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