domingo, 16 de diciembre de 2018

The use of cell-phones in the classroom it is an increasingly frequent practice.  While for some people, this can be very beneficial, for others, this practice is very harmful. In this essay, I propose that a conscious and regulated use of the cell-phones during the classes can be very beneficial for the students learning, and for the teacher performance.

It is very common to see that most teachers oppose the use of cell-phones in classes. They argue that the cellphones distract the students, getting hard the process of learning. Many are the claims about social networks, especially when the students answer messages in classes. Despite that arguments, a regulated use of the cell-phones and the internet can help the students to the learn, in this way, the cell-phone can be a very useful tool for both students and teachers. For example, if a student forgets some content already seen in classes, namely, a content that all the other students know, the student can search this content in the web through his cell-phone without delaying the class.

In addition to the support that the cell-phones can be for the student, this apparatus can be a very useful tool for the teachers. Using the cell-phones in his favor, the teachers can innovate and make a more dynamic class, using apps, videos or web sites. The internet, and particularly the cell-phones, offer us a wide range of tools and services that if we know how to use, they can be very useful to develop any activity, especially teaching.

Considering these aspects, a correct and appropriate use of the cell-phones can even improve the learning methods, however, it can difficult the teaching process if the students pay attention to other things in the cell-phones, such as messages, videos or photos. Therefore, the use must be regulated and mainly, conscious on the part of the students, since that they decide to use or not their cell phones in classes.

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The use of cell-phones in the classroom it is an increasingly frequent practice.  While for some people, this can be very beneficial, for ...