martes, 24 de julio de 2018

Hello everyone again, I hope you are very well!
Today, I’m going to talk to you about an ambition that I have, or rather, about a thing that I wish to do.
I have always loved the art in specially, the music, thing that I dedicated a lot of time. But another art that I love is the painting. I think that the vision is an overvalued sense, because in our lives all turnaround of that, underestimating the amazing of the other sense. Anyway, the things that the vision can feel are totally beautiful and magical, things like the sunset lights, the mountains, the night and even, the streets or the buildings of the city. The skill to take this natural things, combine it each other’s or imagine new things and paint it in a paper, a canvas or in another surface is something great and exciting. For things as these I want to learn this art someday in the future.
The truth is that I tried to paint some things, but all the times I have failed with terrible paintings hahaha, anyway, the people say that no exists bad art, but seriously, my paintings are really ugly HAHA.
Well, I know that we can’t begin with the best, all is a process that we must do with effort and enthusiasm. That’s all for today, good bye!

3 comentarios:

  1. Wow, I don´t know that you like painting, I love too!! In fact I want to study visual art the next year :)

  2. Hi! is amazing that you like the painting, I hope that you continue with it! When I was in the school I painted so much but now I don't have time :(

  3. Hello Ricardo! i hope someday you would paint the way you would do it, regards


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