jueves, 12 de julio de 2018

Hello friends again! This time I will talk about food, something that every person loves.
Some time ago, I decided to take a vegetarian diet because of animal suffering due to the industry. Currently, I am seriously thinking about becoming vegan, but for the moment it would be complicated mainly because my parents still support me.
A dish that I have always loved are vegetables, fortunately, my parents also enjoy them as a child as too many. Precisely, my favorite food dish includes delicious beans, and his name is feijoada, or as I prefer to call it vegetarian feijoada. The feijoada is a typical Brazilian dish that my mother (who is Brazilian) cooked often. This dish consists basically of rice with black beans, which are cooked separately and joined when serving. Normally, this dish takes a lot of meat, from cow tongues to pig's ears, because its birth corresponds to the period of slavery, where African slaves and Afro-descendants cooked with all the leftovers left by others. Currently, this dish is very famous and even the wealthiest restaurants prepare it, making it "gourmet", even though it was born out of the greatest need. With respect to how I adapt it to my diet, I basically eliminate the meat from the dish, but adding delicious vegetables such as mushrooms or eggplants, because the simple combination of the beans with rice is fantastic!

2 comentarios:

  1. Deciding to be a vegetarian is a big step! I congratulate you for it, and I would like to eat feijoada, because sounds really good!

  2. I'm vegetarian too! But I have never tasted the feijoada, maybe one day I try to cook this! Greetings!


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