domingo, 26 de noviembre de 2017

Hello everyone, this will be the last post of the year! Here I will talk about my experience with the English courses taught by the University.
Last semester I also had an English course, but that was very different from the one we had this semester. This is mainly due to the methodologies of the blogs, because last semester, we were just normal classes. With respect to blogs, the truth is that I do not like them very much, because computers do not like me in general, beside this, I do not really understand how does it work. Anyway, they have served me to write in English, what I did not know how to do well (still, maybe haha).
In my opinion, the English courses of the university are well, in comparison with my courses of the high school, that were very bad, in my opinion.
I think what my failures in speaking English are mainly in talking it, because I find it hard to put it into practice, rather, I failure in the fluency. To improve this, I plan to take advantage of the possible opportunities of talk English with people.
Outside of the English class, I use the English mainly for read in things like the computer, cell phone or in the texts of the university. The problem is that I do not talk it, because I do not usually need it. Anyway, sometimes I speak in English with my friends as a joke.
Ok companions, this was my last post in this blog, that’s all, and I wish you a happy holiday!

Good bye!!

miércoles, 22 de noviembre de 2017

Hello everyone, today Im going to talk you about a website what I like. This website follow the line of the book “una antropóloga en la luna”, because both are of the same author: Noemi Villaverde Maza. This website and this book make a travel for practices, traditions, beliefs, etc of different peoples around the world, as say the subtitle of the book: the most amazing stories of the human species. In the website, we can find things like a ancient tradition of a amazonic group, even things like the imposition of the industrial trade and the supermarkets.
Although I visit this website very little (no more than once a month), I enjoy it quite. The website like me because It takes many subjects in a profound way, and it does not usually fall into the classic ethnocentrism found in sites of this type.
Although I have not read the book yet, I think it should be quite good, because her page gives a very good impression.

To finish, I leave you the link
Hello friends, today I will talk you about my favorite photo!
This picture was taken during we study tour that I did with my high school course. We went to Bariloche in Argentina, in December. In this photo we are all together, behind us is Nahuel Huapi Lake, which is very beautiful and also, very large. This travel is very meaningful to me, and I think to my friends too. In the years that we were together in the high school we formed many bonds and a great friendship. this image gives me something of nostalgic, since we hardly see each other anymore, I only see with my closest group of friends.
The photo was taken by a friend, and I'm very sorry that it does not come out in it. The photo brings me many good memories, and helps me not to forget them.

I do not know what else to say about this photo and this moment, but here I leave it. that’s all, bye!!!

Hello everyone again, today, I will talk you about what I would like to do at the end of my career. The truth, is that I have not yet thought if I would like to do a postgraduate degree, but if I have considered doing a pedagogy. When studying anthropology, I can take a course to even take pedagogy in history, which I would like very much.
I have always considered that the teacher's work is one of the most beautiful that can be. This depends on the way the teacher performs his work. I am very interested in learning how to deal with students, and how to carry out a pedagogy that does not repress, but liberates.

I have not thought about leaving the country to study, but if I can do it I would do it in Latin America. Finally, I think I would like to study the course in a part-time schedule, in order to have the money to pay the course.

jueves, 16 de noviembre de 2017

Hello everyone, today I’m going to talk you about my favourite subject of this semester.
This semester, has been very lazy, but now, in the end, we have a lot of tests. Even so, my favourite subject is social history of Chile. In this subject we study this historiography school, which was born in the dictatorship. In this period, the Marxist historians were exiled, and since the exile they created it. In classes, we see the Chilean history from this perspective, using her principles and her criteria. The most important aspect of this school is to give power and importance to the historical agents, in this way, the social history is a tool for the people.

What I like most of this subject is her methodologies, because we use methodologies originating of the popular education. For example, in classes we make a role-play, in which we represent a historical problematic from the perspective of her authors, understanding their positions and in this way, deepening in the subject. Another activity that we did was the creation of a social map, where, through a geographical map, we talk about a topic.

The use of cell-phones in the classroom it is an increasingly frequent practice.  While for some people, this can be very beneficial, for ...