domingo, 26 de noviembre de 2017

Hello everyone, this will be the last post of the year! Here I will talk about my experience with the English courses taught by the University.
Last semester I also had an English course, but that was very different from the one we had this semester. This is mainly due to the methodologies of the blogs, because last semester, we were just normal classes. With respect to blogs, the truth is that I do not like them very much, because computers do not like me in general, beside this, I do not really understand how does it work. Anyway, they have served me to write in English, what I did not know how to do well (still, maybe haha).
In my opinion, the English courses of the university are well, in comparison with my courses of the high school, that were very bad, in my opinion.
I think what my failures in speaking English are mainly in talking it, because I find it hard to put it into practice, rather, I failure in the fluency. To improve this, I plan to take advantage of the possible opportunities of talk English with people.
Outside of the English class, I use the English mainly for read in things like the computer, cell phone or in the texts of the university. The problem is that I do not talk it, because I do not usually need it. Anyway, sometimes I speak in English with my friends as a joke.
Ok companions, this was my last post in this blog, that’s all, and I wish you a happy holiday!

Good bye!!

1 comentario:

  1. I share your opinion about blogs, at first it was new, I had never tried it, however they exhausted the method and that makes it boring. I would like to learn to read in English in the same way, since it would be useful for the texts of the university


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