miércoles, 22 de noviembre de 2017

Hello everyone, today Im going to talk you about a website what I like. This website follow the line of the book “una antropóloga en la luna”, because both are of the same author: Noemi Villaverde Maza. This website and this book make a travel for practices, traditions, beliefs, etc of different peoples around the world, as say the subtitle of the book: the most amazing stories of the human species. In the website, we can find things like a ancient tradition of a amazonic group, even things like the imposition of the industrial trade and the supermarkets.
Although I visit this website very little (no more than once a month), I enjoy it quite. The website like me because It takes many subjects in a profound way, and it does not usually fall into the classic ethnocentrism found in sites of this type.
Although I have not read the book yet, I think it should be quite good, because her page gives a very good impression.

To finish, I leave you the link http://unaantropologaenlaluna.blogspot.cl/

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