martes, 1 de mayo de 2018

Hello friends again, today I will talk about my first day of university.
The truth is that I did not feel nervous the first day of classes, but most of all I was very curious about the university, the halls, etc. Anyway, already approaching the university I was quite worried because I was late and could not find a street to get to the university, I was a little lost haha.
At first the classes were quite introductory and general, trying to explain how the university and all its elements worked, but of course, we did not understand much. The first thing I did was locate the bathrooms of the university (the most important) and also, try to memorize the rooms where I would have classes and not get lost in the attempt. I remember that I did not know where the casinos of the university were and one day in the micro listening to some conversations I knew where they were, from that day I was able to have lunch in a normal way haha.
The first person I spoke with was a friend from high school who happened to study the same career as me and I saw him in the room the first day of classes.
Ok friends that’s al for today, see you!!

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