jueves, 19 de octubre de 2017

Hello everyone!!
This makes me very difficult because I do not usually watch movies. Not that I do not like them but rather, I'm lazy. Even so, I think my favorite movie is “Into the Wild”. I knew this movie for the music, because I love the band Pearl Jam and her vocalist (Eddie Vedder) wrote a part of the soundtrack. The movie has a beautiful photography, thing what with the music, and the plot, makes a nice movie.
In general, I don’t have a favorite kind of movies, because I watch movies rarely, and mainly, it's because my friends recommend me (rather, they force me).

The most recent movie what I saw is “Canino”, in fact, I had to watch it for a work of anthropology. This movie is interesting, but is very stranger and sometimes, disturbing. I recommend it anyway, but only if you have a lot of time.

My favourite piece of technology

I do not know much about technology and I do not have a great variety of objects, even so, I have selected my favorite object: the guitar amplifier. I bought the amplifier with my guitar (on offer), for a Christmas in 2012. My parents helped me  to buy it, even so, we did not have much money so we bought an electric guitar and a low-price amplifier. Although my amplifier does not sound good, I enjoy it very much next to my guitar, which also does not sound good, in this way, I use my amplifier a lot, more than once a week. To use it, I put electricity and I connect it to the guitar. The amplifier allows me to regulate the tones, distortions and volume. I really like my amp because despite being cheap, it is sturdy and allows me to play the guitar. Without my amp, I could not play the electric guitar and that would be very sad for me.

The use of cell-phones in the classroom it is an increasingly frequent practice.  While for some people, this can be very beneficial, for ...