martes, 20 de noviembre de 2018

The next line graph shows how many million dollars were spent in books between 1995 and 2005 in developed countries, specifically, Germany, France, Italy and Austria. In addition, the graph allows us to compare the money spent on books for each country.
Between this countries, Germany is the country where most money was spent on books, 80 million dollars in 1995, which was increased to approximately 98 million dollars in 10 years, with a peak in 1999 followed for a slightly drop to 2003, where we can see a rapid jump to 2005.  A few million dollars down we find France, country that go up from approximately 55 million dollars in 1995 to 75 million dollars in 2005. Comparing with Germany, the increase of France is very gradual and without relevant decreases. If we consider the current expense on books, below France was Austria, with approximately 72 million dollars, however, this country present a constant increased in comparison with others countries, in this way, we can see a slow climb between 1995 and 1999, followed for two years of remain. In 2001 appear a dramatically jump of 20 million dollars in just two years, after that, the increase was a little more gradually. Seeing Italy, we can say that since 1995 to 2002 approximately, Italy spent more money than Austria. Italy is the country with more fluctuation of the graph, we can see a peak of 55 million dollars followed than a slight decrease in 1999, after that, Italy remain a gradually expand of the money expense in books, anyway, in approximately 2002 was exceeded for Austria.
With this information, we can say that between 1995 and 2005, Germany remain as the country that expense more money in books, with 80 million dollars in 1995 and exceeding France for 25 million dollar, currently, Germany exceeded France for 18 million dollars approximately. The country that spent less money before the 2000 was Austria, because since the 2002 that exceeded Italy, country that has a very slight increase.

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