jueves, 17 de agosto de 2017

Hello everyone, I’m going to talk you about my expectations of this course especially, about the Blog Sessions. Even if, the schedule of this class is bad for me (in this hour, I’m sleepy), I hope learn English.
In this blog I would like talk about music, history and goats primarily, but also I will write about the topics what the teacher will propose. Talking of these topics I hope progress in my management of English. I think what the easier thing of the English is the reading and the writing, while what the listen and the understand is the hardest.
In my opinion, the use of blogs is very effective for learn about the writing of English, but is deficient to the practice, especially, the pronunciation.

2 comentarios:

  1. I'm agree with you with the schedule of this class, it's exhausting! Bye! 👽

  2. That magnificent blog, I hope the other post, greetings Ricardo.


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